Physical Fitness

Framework for navigating life’s challenge!

By Anthony Doucet / June 21, 2024 / 1 Comment

Goal setting is a topic I have discussed many times, yet many people still haven’t grasped its importance. Setting goals provides us with a framework for navigating life’s challenges, whether they are highs or lows, good times or bad. Don’t just drift through life aimlessly, wasting time, being average, and not fulfilling your true potential. […]

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Everyday is a Blessing

By Anthony Doucet / July 26, 2023 / 2 Comments

“I don’t want to die here,” are the words that I told myself in the fall of 2007. In the summer of 2007, my unit was on a year-long deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom when we got word that our combat deployment would be extended three more months. We were totaling 15 months […]

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Stay Focused

By Anthony Doucet / July 25, 2023 / 0 Comments

Most Airborne Operations are conducted at night under darkness, almost 90 percent of the jumps. I enjoyed jumping at night because I could not see the ground or anything else. However, seeing the earth, roads, open fields, lakes, and other stuff was incredible. On the one hand, jumping at night, I could focus on what […]

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Life’s Test

By Anthony Doucet / July 8, 2023 / 0 Comments

I often speak to parents with young adults (19 – 24 years old) whose son or daughter don’t know what to do with their life. Or, their son or daughter do know what to do in life; yet, they are trying to play life safe, what I would call tip-toeing through life. The bottom-line up […]

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Being a Leader is a Privilege!

By Anthony Doucet / June 22, 2023 / 0 Comments

Being a leader is a privilege. People choose whether to follow you, yet, why should anyone follow you? This is a question where my values and principles are on display, where I hold myself accountable and take extreme ownership of my shortcomings to improve myself daily. Leadership is a privilege that carries with it the […]

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