The more you succeed in life, the more people will try to hate, criticize, ridicule, etc. The attacks on your character may come from close family, friends and even your co-workers.
In life, there will be people who hate you, people who love you, who like you, and people who don’t care one way or the other.
I remember listening to a well-known financial and leadership coach who currently has one of the top-rated shows in the United States.
While listening to the financial and leadership coach, he talked about all of the people who despised him and those individuals who criticized his advice to other people.
However, what’s interesting is I had never heard of this financial and leadership coach. This was my first time listening to him, and now he was talking about his haters.
I realized at that moment that in life, you will have haters; yet, the number of people who have never heard of you will possibly outnumber your haters.
You are so worried about the people who criticize and spread lies and hate on you that there is another group or crowd of people who have never heard your name or whatever work you have done.
On the other hand, it’s interesting how your haters can expand your level of influence just as much as the people who like and love you.
Nevertheless, there are numerous quotes about haters. Such as,
“No matter how good you are, someone is always going to be against you….”
“People will always have their opinion of you despite who you are and what you are capable of….”
My favorite quote is to “learn to use the criticism as fuel, and you will never run out of energy.”
Basically, listening to the criticism in order to get better, may work out for your benefit; however, consider the source of the criticism.
You can take the hate and criticism with a grain of salt because your intended audience enjoys your work. Whatever that work may be in the entertainment world, sports, music, etc.
Overall, you must stay true to who you are and believe in yourself. Trust the process that got you to the front of the line or on top of your game / profession.
Trust the process because whether you are winning or losing, the process is your road map to success.