Anthony Doucet

Be All That You Can Be

By Anthony Doucet / May 23, 2021 / 0 Comments

In my last job and throughout my military career, I was a teacher, mentor, and coach. I would argue that the only way to influence people positively is to coach, teach, and mentor them. Additionally, you must be able to counsel your junior leaders. Thus, counseling is about helping those junior leaders make needed changes […]

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By Anthony Doucet / May 11, 2021 / 0 Comments

Life is about growing and improving and getting better. The above quote is about growing, improving, and getting better; however, some people are content with being average, or let’s say complacent. In some cases, complacency can be dangerous. For example, driving on the highway in a big city or small town and not paying attention […]

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By Anthony Doucet / April 29, 2021 / 1 Comment

“There is nothing better than Adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.” – Malcolm X Adversity is the state of hardship, difficulty, or misfortune that someone deals with in life. I’ve experienced problems, difficulties, and misfortunes; yet, Adversity never […]

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Military Training and Advising


By Anthony Doucet / April 18, 2021 / 2 Comments

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs.” – Albert Einstein. Many institutions value Integrity where the word is in their mission statements, vision statements, value statements, core values, and so on. Even so, many of the leaders within those institutions will speak highly about their value system. […]

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Work in the Now!

By Anthony Doucet / April 9, 2021 / 3 Comments

There is a quote that says, “realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.” Then, another quote says, “unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear, are caused by too much Future, and not enough presence. In a world of uncertainty, 24-hour […]

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